Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Oracle of Ages & Seasons Ring Guide

The 64 rings in the Oracle games. Never has there been something from the Zelda series with so much misinformation. In the 12 years since the games' release there hasn't been a single accurate guide for the rings (at least not in English). No matter where you look, locations are missing, randoms rings never get explained and sometimes you even get false info.

So, I've decided to do it myself. To accumulate all my knowledge about the 64 rings in one big guide, which you can now find on GameFAQs:

Ring Guide (Oracle of Ages version)
Ring Guide (Oracle of Seasons version)

The guides explain how to link your games with the Hero's Secret to get all 64 rings, how to get the GBA rings on GBC or 3DS and how the random classes of rings and Gasha Spots work in detail. Finally there's a full list of all ring including their actual effects and all their locations. Check it out.

The guide is not perfect yet. There's still some rings from minigames, which I wasn't able to test yet (the minigames can be aweful and you rarely win the rings, so I had to rely on info from ZeldaWiki, yikes...) But overall I'm very happy with it. It's all I can teach you about the rings and should close this chapter for now.


Frédéric said...

Well done! Danke für diese arbeit :)

angelday said...

Without these guides now I wouldn't have all the rings – so thank you TT.

TourianTourist said...

My pleasure!