Monday, July 13, 2009

Color Changing Box Art & Video

Color Changing: Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love Box Art

From Amazon. This looks even more gay and aweful than the box art of the first game. The biggest challenge you can get with the game is buying it in public. But that's all part of the humor, so everyone who screams "omg this is gay and aweful, my eyes are bleeding", really doesn't get the point of those games nor does have any sense of humor. And trust me, Zelda news boards are swimming in those kind of comments right now. However, the game will be released on August 6th in Japan and I hope, it will find its way to Europe soon after. Probably never in the U.S. though, especially not with that box art.

Also, check out this fancy video. "OMG, my eyes hurt, R.I.P. Nintendo 2009!!!11111" .... Seriously, how can anyone deny the pure awesomeness of Macho Tingle?

And in the Famicon article, which I've posted the last time, there was information about, that Tingle will have three companions. A strong lion, a heartless robot and a small scarecrow. The Tingle of Oz, huh? I guess, those will be the replacements of the bodyguards from Freshly Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and they will all have special abilities depending on their size.


  1. you should see my blog. It is all about manga.It is called I think you would think it is neat!XD
