Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Things for Ocarina of Time 3D

The good news about Ocarina of Time 3D continue. In the latest installment of Iwata Asks Iwata teases us with the following quote:

Of course, the Nintendo 3DS version of Ocarina of Time is crammed with interesting things that weren't in the Nintendo 64 version, but we'll wait to talk about those the release.

First the news about Master Quest and now this. But I'm not sure if he actually means new content (like a bonus dungeon) or if he just means more details, like in the above screenshot. So, I don't want to jump to false conclusions here, but I'm still getting more and more excited about this remake. In the Iwata Asks interview they state that they made the game so, "that even people who played them in the past won't get bored". Again this could mean anything, like the fact that the 3D itself will be a new and exciting experience anyway. However, I guess Nintendo knows, that the best way to lure fans of the original in is new content. Starfox 64 3D will have quite some new content, especially in multiplayer, so why not Ocarina of Time? But I guess we'll have to wait and see until E3.

Source: Kotaku

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