Friday, August 19, 2011

Zelda at Gamescom 2011

Actually I wanted to go to the Gamescom, but none of my friends wanted to join me and going alone there sucks... but seeing the recent images from Kotaku makes me regret my descision.

There are basically two huge walls devoted to the 25th Anniversary. One shows the history of the franchise and on the other one you can post your best wishes for the franchise on a birthday card. The wall got already covered yesterday and it certainly looks impressive.

However, the waiting line for Skyward Sword was supposed to be quite long, two hours waiting time to play the demo from the E3 (we always get the demo from the E3). And that was on a Thursday, where mostly people who live by would visit the convention. I was going to visit the Gamescom tomorrow, where people from all Germany would come...

Originally the German Games Convention used to take place in Leipzig. That's only two hours from here and I definitely would have gone there, alone or with company, doesn't matter. But Cologne is on the other side of the country and going there takes quite some time and money... I really hate that they took the Games Convention away from Leipzig.


  1. Das halbe ZFB ist hingepilgert, denen hättest du dich doch anschließen können... also wirklich :-P

  2. Das halbe ZFB wohnt auch bei Köln... würd ich in der Ecke da wohnen, wär das auch kein Problem. Von Ecke Berlin aus ist das wieder was anderes... kostet halt und alleine die Tour zu machen ist doof.

    Und im Endeffekt wär ich auch "nur" für die Skyward Sword Demo hingefahren, der Großteil der anderen Dinge auf der Gamescon interessieren mich nicht wirklich. Höchstens so die generelle Atmosphäre, war auf der GC immer nett. ^^
