Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Welcome Back!

screenshot of the Breath of the Wild 2 teaser trailer, where the mummified Ganondorf looks at the viewer with glowing, red eyes

Like Ganondorf in the recent teaser for the sequel to Breath of the Wild, this blog finally awakens from the dead!

Well, technically it hasn't been dead, just hidden underground for over a year, ever since the new data protection regulations caused quite the risk and burden for owners of simple, personal websites. I've kept writing this blog in secret, like I would have normally. In the meantime I was hoping that Google would support bloggers on Blogspot to deal with this mess, but all they did was providing a cookie banner (still better than nothing), so it took me a while to do the rest myself and find the courage to bring this site back online.

As you can see, this page has now a Privacy Policy, which apparently you should read, even though it makes no difference whatsoever. This blog wasn't monetized and never used any third party plugins, so outside of comments and Google's rough, built-in statistics, there isn't really much to cover here.

During the last months I've already gave some people access to this blog, either friends or former regular readers or both, but now I wanted to take the big step and make this site open to the public again. I really hope this works out and I won't have to hide this site yet again...

Anyway, what did you miss? Well, luckily the Zelda series was on a hiatus in 2018 (with the exception of the Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition) and the only big topic was Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. So, you didn't miss anything of importance last year on this site.

Earlier this year, however, the remake to Link's Awakening was announced and I've already made many excited posts about the topic with opinions, suggestions, predictions, ideas and everything about the new version. June 2019 has been the biggest month in over two years on Hyrule Blog, where it's filled with posts about the remake and more are to come. Needless to say, I'm really excited for Link's Awakening and I wanted my thoughts about it out there. And of course there is the sequel to Breath of the Wild as well, which will certainly keep my busy at a later time.

So, have fun catching up!

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