Friday, August 9, 2024

Echoes of Wisdom ~ Japanese Website Update

artwork of Zelda stacking beds

Today Nintendo of Japan has launched the World and Wisdom sections on their website for Echoes of Wisdom, which shows us even more of the game. There's quite a lot, and I'm getting worried that this will become the next A Link Between Worlds, where Nintendo had shown everything but the final dungeon before the game launched. The amount of coverage was ridiculous and hopefully all of this is only scratching on the surface right now.

Anyway, with this blog I'm in no position to avert my eyes, so let's go through some of the interesting facts and details that this update brings. First, we learn the names of some of the side characters at Hyrule Castle (thanks to @OatmealDome for the translations):

  • Minister Sadari
  • General Ugi
  • Ruberi

The minister and general are the two characters who come to aid when the King of Hyrule gets swallowed by a rift. The king is only named that for now, King of Hyrule, but I'm still hoping for something lengthy and pompous here. Sadari might be a woman, but I'm not sure. And Ruberi is Impa's older brother, who is researching the rifts, which feels a bit similar to Josha and Robbie researching the Depths. Sheikah scientists and all.

Also, there are a couple new echoes and enemies that weren't featured in any footage yet (at least not that I recall):

  • A monster in a cyclone, which can be used similar to the Whirlwind item from Spirit Tracks
  • A blue Slug, maybe a Water Slug
  • An electric variant of the Spark
  • A Bari (with artwork, they were briefly seen in the first trailer)
  • A Beamos
  • A Wolfos (returning for the first time since Majora's Mask)
  • A teddy

The website is really stressing the fact that there are multiple solutions for every problem, where they showcase an obstacle or a combat situation with two different echoes. For example, we can see the Bombfish and the new whirlwind enemy in action, where both are used to fight the same enemies – a swarm of Beetles – in different ways.

Speaking of, I find it fascinating that the Beetles are back, because they were somewhat of an oddity in Link's Awakening, only found coming out of a certain hole south of Kanalet Castle. I wonder if those termite mounds (the weird rocks with a hole on top seen near the Beetles) can be used in a similar way, meaning that they keep spawning the Beetles.

Sea Zora Queen playing a harp with the River Zora King listening

Otherwise, the whole Zora quest definitely has a musical theme going on. You could already spot instruments all over the River Zora Village, but now we have screenshots of the River Zora King blowing into a horn and the Sea Zora Queen playing a harp. They should form a band and call themselves the Indigo-Gos. Oh, and there is a cool-looking ship found in the ocean section, where you can climb on board.

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