Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Echoes of Wisdom ~ Main Artwork Background

This graphic is something that you can find on the Japanese website and it's quite interesting. It's used for the cover art of the game, but it actually comes without Zelda, Link and Ganon (they get inserted via additional PNG files). And this version is extended quite a bit, revealing additional details that we haven't seen before.

There is a new character in the top left corner, who is paragliding. Given that he is featured so prominently, he might have a slightly more important role.

And you can spot Zelda's wanted poster on the wall to the right. It was also already visible multiple times in the latest trailer, but here you can see it in great detail. That gigantic nose is hilarious, whoever drew this really doesn't like Princess Zelda. It's also confirming that Zelda is indeed framed as a criminal for some reason, but we'll get to that in another post.

Via NintendoLife

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