Sunday, December 29, 2024

Got the F4F Daruk

photo of the Daruk statue next to his amiibo

This is what I got for Christmas, so I must have been a good boy. Mipha and Urbosa were already in my collection, where all of these have been presents from my partner, who is being quite generous here. But I already had a feeling when a big package arrived earlier this month and I was told to stay away from it...

Well, Daruk is certainly the most impressive of the bunch, who brings a nice weight with him and the largest weapon with his Boulder Breaker. It's the same as with his amiibo, only much larger, where the statue is roughly 29cm tall and the amiibo 9.5cm, so about three times the size. But the small Daruk could fit in big Daruk's fist.

similar photo to above, but it shows the backside of both

Packaging was also much better than with the other two, because they used polystyrene foam to pad the backside and the plastic cover is simply put over the front. There is little risk of damaging anything this way and it's also much easier to put him back into his box.

I still need to keep them all in their boxes, because I didn't really have space for a big display cabinet in my old apartment. But these times are over and I will post pictures of all of them next to each other once I set everything up.

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