Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Age of Calamity Spirit Event


The Japanese Twitter for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has teased the next Spirit Event for the game, which features characters from Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. And it's really nice to see my two most played Nintendo Switch games (so far) coming together like this. The event will start this Friday and will actually be the first Spirit Event I'm participating in. How fitting!

Since the Champions are already present in the game as Spirits, they went with the following three characters here:

  • "Diminutive Guardian": represented by R.O.B. on Hyrule Temple
  • Impa: represented by Sheik on Gaur Plain
  • Master Kohga: represented by King K. Rool on Suzaku Castle

And this is really cool. I see what they are going for here with King K. Rool and his giant belly, as well as the cannonballs, for a good Kohga impression. And R.O.B. has been used for the normal Guardian already, so this is not a surprising choice.

I've seen some disappointment about this, because people were hoping that Impa from Age of Calamity could become a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. But I can't say I've shared these hopes in any way. If they were to add Impa, they would most likely go with an incarnation from the main series, where the one from Skyward Sword could have even worked as an Echo Fighter for Sheik.

Overall, if I'm not mistaken, this is the first time that something from a Zelda spin-off title has been added to Smash. There aren't any Spirits from the first Hyrule Warriors, for example, nor any music. So, so far they have been solely focusing on the main series and getting these Spirits now is actually quite special.

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