Sunday, May 12, 2024

Tears of the Kingdom – Anniversary Artwork

art of Link reaching for Zelda who is falling from the skies

Today marks the first anniversary of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. And to celebrate Nintendo has shared the above illustration on Twitter, which shows a key moment from the game. You can consider this to be quite the spoiler, but since an entire year has passed, I guess that it's fine...

Well, there are those who may want to 100% everything before they beat the game and that can take a while, as evidenced by this blog. But those are the exception and I was confronted with far worse spoilers, where people put the final final boss into Youtube thumbnails after a mere month.

Anyway, I've already talked about how the sales for the game have stagnated, where all this current anniversary marketing is a good way of bringing Tears of the Kingdom back into the minds of the people. Of course there is only so much hype a soundtrack and an artbook can generate, where supposedly the above artwork will also be featured in the latter.

But if you haven't completed it already, Tears of the Kingdom may still be the best thing to play your Nintendo Switch right now and to get more mileage out of this console, before we move into new territories. I'm getting very close to completing it myself and it has been quite the journey...

Happy 1st Anniversary!

Update: You can now also get the new artwork as wallpapers from MyNintendo.

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