Friday, April 13, 2018

Got a Sheikah Slate Keychain

Last Friday I went to a Zelda fan gathering, which was arranged by ZeldaEurope and lasted for about a week. It was a lot of fun with many different activities, including a Zelda trivia quiz. In the past I helped organizing these quizzes, but this year I was able to participate as a player for the first time, where I achieved the best score with some luck and won this really nice item:

I hadn't seen this before, but I really like it. This Sheikah Slate keychain made out of some metal alloy and has a nice weight to it. It can hang out of your pocket, so that you can carry around this miniature Sheikah Slate like the real deal.

It was one out of various prizes, where the best scoring players could chose one after another. The other prizes included a DVD of the Zelda Animated series, a Sheikah Eye laptop sticker and some self-made items. But I'm very happy with my choice and keep marveling at it, because it's so shiny. It will stay with me and always remind me of the nice fan gathering that we had.

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