Friday, December 13, 2019

Silent End of the Year

It's of note how there haven't been any major news from Nintendo lately. The last Nintendo Direct was in September and this seemed to be it for the year 2019. Last night the Game Awards were held in Los Angeles and I suppose that most Nintendo fans had expected some reveal here, even if it was just the final Fighters Pass character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. But nothing really happened, unless you count the announcement of Bravely Default II.

It's of note, because there usually were some bigger news around the end of the year for the Nintendo during the last years. And for the most part this even included something for the Zelda fans, take a look:

  • 2013: Nintendo Direct in December announcing Hyrule Warriors
  • 2014: Nintendo Direct in November announcing Majora's Mask 3D + first Breath of the Wild ingame footage at the Game Awards
  • 2015: Nintendo Direct in November announcing Twilight Princess HD
  • 2016: Breath of the Wild "Life in the Ruins" Trailer at the Game Awards
  • 2017: "The Champions' Ballad" DLC dropped at the Game Awards
  • 2018: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct in November + first Fighters Pass reveal at the Game Awards

So it was only natural to expect that history would repeat itself here, where we would get some (Zelda) news in December, maybe even some new footage of Breath of the Wild 2 during the Game Awards. This seemed to be a trend after all. Well, there is Link in Super Mario Maker 2, but this might not be what you would expect.

However, we probably got spoiled over the years here and Nintendo might be keeping the good stuff for Januar / February 2020. It even makes sense to save announcements for any major titles or DLCs in early 2020 for the start of the year, because people are usually less busy after the Christmas period and might pay more attention to gaming news then.

I still have hopes for a potential Skyward Sword HD in the next year, but this really depends on when Breath of the Wild 2 will be finished, where they might save any other remakes and remasters for later. I was also hoping for a major update for Link's Awakening (specifically the Chamber Dungeon), but this might never happen or not until much later.


Tim said...

Maybe they've learned from the delays that plagued "Zelda Wii U" and are taking their time before they reveal stuff now. If that's the case, I support this. :)

TourianTourist said...

I really hope so. I'm not in a hurry to play the sequel and the more they invest into it, the better.

Tim said...

I mean, I do want that, like, right now, but really I'm with ya - better finish it than rush it out.