Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Skyward Sword HD: Camera Controls

Link walking on a giant, rolling ball over a stream of lava in the Fire Temple

Well, there is one more actual change in Skyward Sword HD, which gets advertised on social media with a tweet from ZeldaOfficialJP: you can now control the camera with the R-stick. Neat! In case of button controls, you have to hold the L button in addition to not interfere with the new sword controls, which also are utilizing the R-stick.

That's a good change and will certainly offer some new perspective on things. It will be especially useful in the Silent Realms, where you can now check the environment more easily without accidentally triggering the guardians somehow.

Now, the only 3D Zelda game that doesn't have free camera controls yet is Ocarina of Time. But we will probably get this with Ocarina of Time UHD on the Nintendo Switch 2 in five years.

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