Thursday, September 26, 2024

Got Echoes of Wisdom

photo of the scroll, game case and key chain

So, I woke up today, ate breakfast, and then the door actually rang, where I got my package with Echoes of Wisdom. That's how it should be... Well, I still needed to clean my apartment and write this post here, before I get started, because I'm disciplined like that and wanted that out of the way. But I'm on vacation today and next week, so I will have plenty of time to focus on this game, from now on.

However, I personally don't like Thursday as the new release day of Nintendo games, which is a thing that began with the current fiscal year in April. That's because I don't work on Fridays any longer, for a couple of years now, so the Friday release was always quite ideal for me, but now I have to take vacation (again) in order to play on launch day. For those where it takes quite long to have their game delivered the Thursdays are better, of course, because then they still have a chance of getting their game on the weekend. So, I can see why Nintendo has changed this.

But then there are always those who get the games way earlier. In this case this seems to be quite extreme, at least from what I heard around the German communities. Amazon Germany send out the game one day too early, so a lot of people already got it yesterday. And the big retailers also have reduced the price already by 22%, days before launch...

With that in mind it looks really stupid to have ordered from Nintendo directly, where I've paid full price to get the game on launch day. But at least my money goes to the right company and only the right company, so that's a a small consolation... And I got some merch out of it, as you can see above.

The scroll is quite nice, a bit larger than I expected. It's also made out of wood and some water-proof fabric, so it's overall a very decent quality. And I really like the artwork, so I'm happy to have this and will probably put this up somewhere...

It's also quite rare that we're not getting some Limited Edition or Special Edition for a new Zelda game, not counting the Nintendo Switch Lite Hyrule Edition here, because that's separate from the game. The last time was actually Tri Force Heroes on the Nintendo 3DS. And if you count remasters, then there's also Skyward Sword HD, but that one came at least with a new amiibo and those Joy-Cons. Together with the early price drop, this makes you wonder how much faith Nintendo and other companies have in this making big sales.

Well, I don't mind, I thought it was nice not having to worry about preorders for once, and I don't necessarily need a Special Edition for every new game, though I like to get them for my collection. But it has been overdone on the Nintendo Switch, where it's fine that Nintendo doesn't add more to that pile in its last year(s).

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