Monday, March 22, 2010

Zelda Wii and Vitality Sensor


In an interview with games™ issue 95 Miyamoto said the following about the Wii Vitality Sensor:

"So maybe you might like to ask me to incorporate the Vitality Sensor into Zelda so that as you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher."

Of course this is just an example for how to use the Vitality Sensor, so don't be afraid that they will actually do this. The big flaw here is, that you will probably need the Nunchuk to play the game, but it doesn't look like you can use a Nunchuk and a Vitality Sensor at the same time, since both has to be plugged into the Wiimote. So, unless you use a second Wiimote, it's not possible. And even then it would be very uncomfortable to play this game. It's probably very hard to use a Nunchuk with this thing plugged to your forefinger.

But I guess it's a nice example for the possibilities of the Vitality Sensor. Nintendo hasn't shown any software for it yet, so all we can do right now is laughing about this periphal. But in a game like Silent Hill this would probably be awesome, but still you'd have the Nunchuk problem there.


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