Monday, October 19, 2020

Age of Calamity: Untold Chronicles 3

Hestu dancing in front of Urbosa and Zelda

If this is Nintendo's way of building up hype for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, then they are doing it wrong. Very, very wrong. Today we got the third Untold Chronicles From 100 Years Past, where again we can take a look at a character, where you'd wish he was playable: Hestu.

They are actually addressing the issue where Hestu could only be seen by Link in Breath of the Wild, but apparently he is not the only one who can see the big Korok. In the new trailer it looks like both Zelda and Urbosa can see him as well. And since there are Koroks as a collectible again, probably every playable character should be able to see them...

Speaking of playable characters, this third part of "Untold Chronicles From 100 Years Past" is quite different, because it also shows us more gameplay clips of Link, Zelda, Impa, Mipha and Revali... We can see Link fighting with a Boomerang, but there is the question whether these will behave like swords or a different weapon type. It might just be a silly sword skin.

At the end there is also a cutscene, where some of the playable fighters are using their gliders, which looks hilarious with Daruk and should confirm that every playable character has a way of flying over the battlefield.

But these trailers will probably leave a sour taste in the mouth of anyone who expects more than just the seven confirmed fighters. Why show us King Rhoam, Robbie, Purah, Master Kohga and Hestu in a way where they are seemingly just cutscene characters? Why suddenly show us gameplay of the confirmed characters again to stress the fact that they will be playable? Why not show us another playable fighter each week?

The game will be released in a month. Is seven fighters all that we can expect? Will the rest of these introduced characters be DLC fighters? It would be quite disappointing if that was the case... And this is currently killing the hype for this game, at least for me personally. Don't show me what I can't have...

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