Friday, April 28, 2023

Got the Nintendo Switch OLED Tears of the Kingdom Edition

photo of the package, front

The leaks were real! Finally, after six years, Nintendo decided to release the long overdue Zelda Edition of the Nintendo Switch, which should have been a thing since Breath of the Wild... Naturally, they are banking on fans here, who are willing to upgrade, but I have a feeling that – like the Splatoon 3 Edition – this will be available for quite some time. In the very least, they don't seem to be sold out yet.

Plus, they might announce a new model of the Nintendo Switch later this year, where they are trying to push some last Nintendo Switch OLED systems onto the Zelda fanbase, before no one wants them anymore. So, this could leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth, but as a Zelda fan you just want the shiny Zelda system.

photo of the package, backside

Anyway, I will only be posting photos of the box for now, because I'm not planning on using this right away. At first I need a good screen protector, where I had the best experience with the official one from Nintendo, but they only get sold in bundles with carrying cases and not separately. This is extremely stupid, of course, because a screen protector is something that may go wrong and that may need replacement, but Nintendo will be releasing a new case for Tears of the Kingdom, which looks pretty good, so I pre-ordered that one as well.

Now, things get even stupider, because for some reason they decided to not release the case + screen protector together with the Switch today, but when the game launches, in two weeks. And then I just want to play the game and not bother with setting up a new system, so it might take a while before my new Switch sees some action. But it will and then I might share some more pictures.

In an ideal world such systems would come with a screen protector pre-installed, because for me this is always the worst part about buying new mobile hardware. But that's not how money works and I can probably be happy that this thing still came with an AC adapter, I guess...

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