Friday, January 15, 2016

Tri Force Heroes: More Insights into Hero Points

I've kept playing a lot of Tri Force Heroes, mostly to help friends and other people from the ZeldaEurope Community out with their challenges. By now I've clocked over 180 hours and got over 100 Hero Points:

There are several ways on how to get Hero Points other than not winning a roulette. Those are:

  • Chosing "I don't care" in the level select.
  • Chosing "I don't care" for the challenges.
  • Repeating a zone in the Den of Trials.

You have to complete the level after chosing "I don't care", of course. I was also pleasantly surprised about getting Hero Points in the Den of Trials, but it makes fully sense, since there are people, who like to drop out, just because they can't start at the Baneful Zone. Nintendo probably should have advertised this, though.

And this is, how I accumulated so many Hero Points. There's even a small reward, if you get more than 100. The dialogue with the doppel in town changes a 2nd time:

After 30 Hero Points it tells you that there's no dust anymore on the doppel. After 100 Hero Points it's supposedly polished and the pride of the town. Update: After 150 Hero Points the dialogue changes a little bit again. Now people from everywhere are coming to visit.

I don't know, if this text goes back to its previous state, if you lose Hero Points again, but it probably does. This also makes me undecided, whether this actually counts for 100% or not. It's technically not permanent, since you could start losing them again, but on the other hand the same goes for having zero deaths in Link's Awakening.

But I'm currently preparing a post about all these 100% questions, what should count and what not...

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