Thursday, June 13, 2019

Breath of the Wild 2: Gerudo Magic?

screenshot of the green vortex around the hand

One of the central elements of the trailer for the Breath of the Wild sequel was Ganondorf being pinned down by a magical vortex flowing into a glowing hand. The "sparks" of this vortex seem to be made out of Gerudo runes:

screenshot of the same green vortex from above

And according to Nintendo World Report these words actually say "Seal Ganon".

Theory: in Breath of the Wild the Gerudo had distanced themselves from Ganondorf, where it could really be that it was them, who have banned him from existence with their own magic. However, his malice still kept spreading, which ultimately led to the creation of Calamity Ganon and later on to Link's and Zelda's long journey into the deep undergrounds of Hyrule, where Ganondorf has been imprisoned for thousands of years.

Now, things get more interesting in the trailer, as Link essentially absorbs the magical Gerudo hand:

screenshot of Link absorbing the green vortext with his right hand

If we add to the fact that no Sheikah technology can be seen in the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer – no towers, shrines, Divine Beasts, pylons or even the Sheikah Slate, we can only assume that it will be replaced with something of similar nature. The Shrines might be replaced with entrances to the new underground world, while the Sheikah Slate could be replaced with the new "Gerudo Hand", which serves an equal purpose, but with a different source of power.

While technology was basically the new magic in Breath of the Wild, good old magic could be replacing the technology in the sequel and play a similar role.

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