Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Link's Awakening Remake: Figurines in Inventory

The North American website for the remake of Link's Awakening gives us another look at the inventory, this time with the CiaoCiao figurine inside of it:

screenshot of the inventory menu

(Thanks to Lankelink for the notice!)

This solves this little mystery of what belongs to the fifth spot of collectible items and how the figurines will be handled. However, this doesn't allow for acquiring more than one of these Mario enemy figurines... It really might be that those figurines can only be gotten from certain locations (mainly the Trendy Game and the shop) and you will only be able to get one at a time. Only after placing it on its pedestal the next figurine should become available...

We don't know for sure yet, but this should make it impossible for the figurines to appear as rewards from Secret Seashells or the Chamber Dungeon. So, it's most likely limited to the shop and Trendy Game. Worst case scenario would be getting all figurines from the Trendy Game, because then you would have to play the same minigame many times for 100% completion. In the original you only needed the Yoshi Doll and that's it...


Lankelink said...

While I think that the figurines will be obtainable only in the Trendy Game, there is still hope for other sources. It could be the case that the figurines have an "order", with each figurine having a fixed location: the Shop, the Trendy Game, the Chamber Dungeon... And they only appear sequentially. But, again, I don't have high expectations. I still think that it is a missed oportunity if there are only figurines for the Mario series cameos.

Looking again at the inventory, I'm wondering about the second slot of the temporary items. The rest are already shown: 1) Secret Seashells, 3) Chamber Pieces (or something related?), 4) Sleepy Toadstool and 5) Figurines. I thought that the Golden Leaves would be in that slot, but the picture of the Ball and Chain Trooper’s room shows a Golden Leaf right under the hearts (like the keys in a dungeon). So, it doesn't make sense that they also appear in the inventory.

And then we come again to the Secret Medicine discussion. On one hand, the Medicine is a temporary item, unlike the Sword, Shield, Tunic, and so on. On the other hand, that white cream item really fits as the new Medicine.

So now the question is: is that cream the new Secret Medicine and there is a new unknown temporary item, or will the Secret Medicine be placed in the second slot and that cream is a new permanent item?

TourianTourist said...

I'm pretty sure the Secret Medicine is the bowl of cream. See my post about Crazy Tracy from this weekend.

And I wouldn't be surprised, if the Golden Leaves simply appear under the Secret Seashells in addition, so I'm not expecting anything new here...