Monday, September 9, 2019

Link's Awakening Remake: Trendy Game Figurines

Today the Japanese Zelda Twitter account made two tweets about the new figurines in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch, here and here. In these tweets you have Ulrira talking about this addition in character, where Yo-kaialone on Twitter has translated this for us, here and here.

And here you can find it all put together:

screenshot of Marin and Tarin's house with the Goomba and Piranha Plant figurines inside

"It's me, Old Man Ulrira. Look out, there's a Goomba and Piranha Plant in the house!! ...Or so I thought, but turns out they're just figurines... But, they're actually pretty well-made. I want one, too..."

screenshot of the Trendy Game with a Goomba figurine on a moving platform

"Well, I'll be! I just learned that the figurines are prices from the crane game! Alright, I might try to get myself some of those, too."

This pretty much confirms that the Trendy Game will be the main source for the figurines of all the Super Mario enemies. The main idea was probably to expand this beyond the Yoshi Doll from the original.

This is also the first time we are seeing the Goomba and the Piranha Plant, but we also know about the CiaoCiao (the Chain Chomp with the Ribbon), Boo, Shy Guy, Pokey and Spiny figurines from E3 and other pictures. So, there are at least seven of these figurines, probably even more if they are going for all of the enemy cameos (like the Thwomp, Bob-omb, Cheep-Cheep, Blooper, Podoboo or Anti-Kirby).

This is certainly a nice little addition that is taking the Trendy Game to the next level, but there is also reason to worry that this will overstay this minigame's welcome whenever you're going for a 100% run. Especially with the new physics it might be a little bit tricky and then take a while to get all those figurines.

So, ideally the shop will also sell some of these figurines, but let's see next week.

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