Wednesday, June 22, 2011

German Zelda Manga Collection

The Zelda Mangas from Akira Himekawa were all published by TOKYOPOP here in Germany. I knew that the Ocarina of Time mangas were released in 2009, but I just found out recently, that by now all the Zelda mangas are available. So I went to the local book store and bought them. All ten of them. At once. Well, there are two mangas for Ocarina of Time, two for Four Swords and two for the Oracle games. A Link to the Past, Majora's Mask, The Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass all got one volume each. TOKYOPOP made them all in the same design, which definitely looks nice in your book shelf. Here are some photos:

I've actually read most of them online before, so I more or less just bought them for my Zelda collection. But I guess it can't hurt to read them again. And I think reviewing all the mangas could be a nice feature for this blog, so I'll do that in the near future, one post per game. Akira Himekawa, which is a female duo of comic book artists, usually does a good job at turning the games' story into something readable. I especially liked how the Oracle mangas turned out. But of course using the mangas as a story guide or counting them as canon would be a terrible idea, these are just for your entertainment. And usually it feels weird to have Link act and talk...


Stefan said...

awesome - they look really nice. Never knew we have those here in germany. How much are they and are they in german? They need to make a wind waker one also...

TourianTourist said...

Die Bücher sind nicht billig, 6,50€ für ein Exemplar. Also 65€ für den ganzen Stapel. Ist natürlich eine einmalige Investition, so schnell kommt da nichts mehr dazu. Und die Qualität der Bücher ist besser und das Format dazu auch noch größer als z.B. Carlsens One Piece, wo ja mittlerweile ein Buch auch 5,95€ kostet. Von daher geht der Preis schon.

Die Übersetzung ist natürlich komplett in Deutsch, Tokyopop hat sich sogar die Mühe gemacht, alles mit den deutschen Speilen abzugleichen, die ja in der Übersetzung meist recht komisch ausgefallen sind. Also z.B. im Minish Cap Manga heißt "Castor Wilds" tatsächlich auch "Geheime Welt von Tabanta".

Dass es von Wind Waker keinen Manga gibt, ist komisch, ich glaube aber auch nicht, dass da noch was kommt. Eher Spirit Tracks dann...

Stefan said...

cool - danke für deine Antwort. Dein Blog ist echt genial und kommt mir bei meinem momentanen Zelda trip gerade richtig.

Keep up the good work!

TourianTourist said...

Jo, danke!